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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My CVS Deal today!

Sorry, I cannot take any pictures as my son informed me he had broken my camera and threw it in the garabge - it was not the greatest camera, but still!!  LOL!  The joys of having children!

This is what I got today -

Now, the Halloween Candy at the North CVS is labeled wrong, which messed me up - they are labeled 2/$7, but are really 2/$5 - so keep that in mind if you plan on getting this deal!  I only did the candy deal because they were out of diffusers, going to check again on Saturday when I go up, and if they are still out - I am getting a rain check.  Anyways, here is what I got (now prepared for the trick-or-treaters)

*Nestle Candy X 4 = $10
-$2/1 Nestle Candy from HERE X 2
-$1/1 Nestle Candy from HERE X 2
*Wonka Mix-Up candy $5.99 X 2 = $11.98
-$2/1 Wonka Candy HERE X 2
*Marshmallow Pumpkins (Cayden HAD to have these) $1
Total: $12.98
-$12.98 in extra bucks from previous purchases I had
OOP: $0 (actually paid $1.38 for taxes)
PLUS I got 5 extra bucks to spend next time for spending $20 in candy

So, I earned money and am ready for any Trick-or-Treaters, cannot get any sweeter than that, can it?


Tanya said...

They will most likely still be out of diffusers on Saturday. The north store gets their truck on Sundays and the south one is supposed to get it on Sundays but most of the time it comes on Mondays. (I asked up at the north store the other day.)

Avonmommyof3 said...

Darn! I will just have to get a raincheck - thanks :)