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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Target trip - wii games and clearanced Halloween

Remmeber the Wii deal I told you about HERE?  I went to check it out today.  I searched all the games in the glass case and was disappointed there were no games for $14.99 - and only a handful for $19.99 - I decided to look around a bit a low and behold, an aisle of cheaper games that were not in a glass case had been found! They are in the next aisle over from the glass case of Wii games. 
Then I was absolutely tickled that I FINALLY found the travel Hungry Hippo games - After searching FOREVER!!  They are on the inside aisle, on the endcap of the luggage area.  I looked there before and never saw them, but they are there now - on the top!

Anyways, this is what I bought

2 Wii games @ $14.99
1 Wii game @ $19.99 (just HAD to get Monster Trucks!)
Hungry Hippo Travel game @ $4.99
-$10/2 Wii Games found HERE or in the toy coupon book I mentioned HERE
-$14.99 for my free game for buying 2
-$4 for the Hippo travel game (no longer available)
(The coupon says coupon valid with any other game purchase and they counted the Wii games as the second game - wish I had more of these on hand to coincide with the other two games- pay only $.99 - great gifts!!)
Total OOP $25.97 for all 4 items - that works out to be only $6.50 each!

*I also found some really good Halloween Deals!  Target has all of their Halloween @ 75% off. I got two costumes for next year for only $2.49 each, a 2 pair of 2pc Halloween jammies set for MaKayla for only $3.49 for all 4 pcs -and a cute light up pumpkin for only $1.49! I put away everything before thinking of taking a picture - sorry!*

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