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Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter!

Hope everyone has a Happy Easter!

I sure am going to try.  Our snow was almost gone last night and we woke up to it raining and thundering and then turned into snow.  It is 5pm and it is finally letting up, we had no power for half the day and now have about 3inches or more (or less) of fresh snow on the ground!  So sick of this stuff and want Spring to come, but that is the price we pay for living in North Dakota, right?  Plus, the 30-40mph winds are not helping!!

Anyways, I am heading to the parents with the husband and kiddos in about an hour.  I better go finish packing and I will see you when I get back Sunday evening!

Until then, I just added some nw deals on the K-Mart doubles post, start making your lists for some free to very cheap products and remember to let me know wha great deals you find - pictures would be fun too!!

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