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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Treasures in The Mail 1/26

I thought it would be fun to post all the Treasures that came in the mail!  I mean treasures, fun things - those nasty bills need to be compensated with something!  Whenever I get Treasures in the Mail, I will post the pic and then tell you where I got them.  Chances are, I would have posted them here at one time or another!
If you have a Treasure in The Mail you would like to share, feel free to contact me and send me a description, picture or both! Then I can share it with all the wonderful readers! Here are mine from Yesterday!

I had a fun day yesterday!
I got the Croc boots for my daughter I told you about HERE.  I only paid $13.49 for the both of them!
These are way cute and the both came with a storage bag with drawstrings.  You cannot see it very well, but it is the black bag hiding under everything.  She will have a pair for next Winter and also one for the Winter after that! This deal is no longer available but keep a look-out later today because I have a few emails to go through and I know there is one from Crocs I wanted to share with you.

The two shirts were from the deal HERE.  I am still waiting on a dress I ordered, but I only paid $.36 for the santa shirt that my daughte can wear Christmas of 2010 and the other shirt is adorable and will work for this next Winter Season and I paid only $1.49 for it.  I have a Christmas Dress also coming that I only paid $2.40 for, so we will then be set! I did pay $6.95 for shipping but it still works out to only $3.73 for each piece and that is not bad at all!  They do have some good deals still going on - you might want to check it out.  I saw one toddler shirt for only $.90!

And these notecards are just ADORABLE!!  They come in a plastic cover to protect them and the envelopes are on the other side.  I ordered 4 sets of cards and total paid under $10 for 100 personalized cards.  I got these two yesterday and I am hoping to get the other two sets today.
I did not tell you about this deal, and not sure why not, but this deal is no longer going BUT they do still have a lot of clearanced cards and I have some codes for you too!

Go HERE and then click on Clearance.  Most of the cards are down to $18.20 or $16.40, but keep looking and find cards with the Last Chance written across them.  These ones are the deeply discounted ones.  Like the one above is on clearance for $6 for 25 cards.  At checkout, use the code: FRIEND and you will get 50% off your entire order! So, you will only pay $3 for these cards.  i know I also saw Christmas ones and there are also notepads and labels and more.
The standard shipping is free! So, you only pay for the cards!  Not a very bad deal!
(Thanks Charlene for this deal!)

What Treasures did you find in your mail today?
I would like hear them!

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