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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Home Business of the week ~ Avon + a giveaway!

Here is the Home Business of the Week - AVON!

After you are done reading, there is a link at the bottom to find the Avon giveaway!

Tell Us A Little About You:
Well, my name is Tonia.  I have 3 children: Zachary is 9 (until June 27), Cayden is 4 1/2 and MaKayla just turned 2.  I have been with my great husband since 1998 and married since 2003.  We are currently in the process of moving to a smaller town than we live in now, so I am excited about that.  I love being involved in my children's activities when I can, I love to find the best deals (thus led me to start this blog) and hang out with friends and family.  Right now I am a stay home mom, but I think that will be changing once we move.

What is the name of your business?
Tonia's Avon - LOL!  It is Avon and it is my business, so that is what I call it :0)

Do you have a website?
I really wish I could change it though.  My last name has two i's and two l's and I often wonder how many people miss putting in that second i, and how much business I am losing to the Avon rep that only has one i - and there is one!  I am betting she enjoys it tho :0)

So, if you wish to visit my website, please try and remember both i's

What is your business all about?
Avon!  We have an awesome motto that describes Avon so well!

This is the company that puts mascara on lashes and food on the table, that fights wrinkles with one hand and Breast Cancer with the other. That knows the value of a perfect lip, but still opens its mouth and speaks out against Domestic Violence and for Women's Financial independence. This is the company that not only brings beauty to doors, but also opens them. The company that supports 6 million representatives in over 100 countries. This is Avon. The company, that for 125 years, has stood for beauty, innovation, optimism and above all for women!

Inspiring, isn't it?  I absolutely love it and it is all that and then some!  Avon is the best thing that has happened to me! 

How did you get started with your business?
I was staying at home and was looking to make money on the side without having to put my kids in daycare.  I saw an ad online about the avon opportunity and figured, for $10 - I might as well give it a shot.  What do I have to lose besides my $10??  That was almost 4 years ago and I have been hooked ever since!

How can we order/get information from you?
You can visit my website or you can email me directly

You can also find my phone number on my website

*Have you seen an Avon brochure lately??

What is the start-up fee and requirements of your business?
Avon is great!  It is only $10 to start. And you get everything you need to get started!
Some great benefits:
*Health care and Life Insurance is available and pretty affordable
*You are not required to keep inventory
*You are not required to do parties not fund-raisers
*You have no sales quotas to meet
*You are not required to recruit
*You have many opportunities to win prizes, cash and trips
*You get your orders before oyu have to pay for it, so you have time to deliver and collect from your customers
*This is your business!!!  You cannot get laid off and you cannot get fired!
*You get complete help from myself and from Avon!
*Free online training if you choose to do it
*And so much more.......
Contact me if you are interested or have any other questions!  This truly is a business for Women (and a few good men)
*You can also sign up online if you wish to do so, and that cost is only $20 (to cover for shipping) - just go to:   ~ be sure to use the reference code: tmiiller
Seriously, if you have ever thought about starting a home business, this is a great one as the start-up fee is only $10 (or $20) - and you have not much to lose if you decide it is not for you!  Because, direct selling really is not for everyone BUT could be in your future - you will never know unless you try!  Don't be left wondering....What If?

Go HERE to enter for my Avon giveaway!!!  There will be four lucky winners!


Unknown said...

Great way to explain Avon and how to get started.
I never knew the following:

*You have no sales quotas to meet
*You are not required to recruit
*Health care and Life Insurance is available and pretty affordable

Julie said...

Hi, I did not know that health insurance was available with Avon!

Avonmommyof3 said...

Yes, they just started going through a new company and I have not researched all of the details yet, but it looks pretty affordable! Their Life Insurance is pretty awesome too!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that Avon offered Health and Life insurance...Guess I just didn't see it as a 'real business' so to speak guess it's bigger than I thought!

But I did think they had to make quotas guess I am wrong about that too lol. Sounds like a great thing to do after all...maybe I should think about doing this!